We’re here to help

Everything you need to know about Likewize, your booking, and the legal stuff.

Are there any devices that you do not fix?
We strive to repair many of the most popular models, however there are unfortunately some we are unable to service. To see if we can repair your device, enter your location on the homepage and follow the steps to select from the list of available models.
Can I cancel my repair?
Yes, you can cancel your repair on the manage booking page.

Please note we require a minimum of 24 hours notice for any changes. Giving less than 24 hours notice will incur the $99 cancellation fee.
What happens if my device is heavily damaged?
Contact the Likewize team before you book if you think your device is heavily damaged. Failure to do so may result in your repair not being carried out and a $99 charge being applied.
What happens if I've booked the wrong device?
If you book the wrong model and/or colour then your Likewize technician won't have the correct spares to carry out your repair. This will incur a $99 cancellation fee and another appointment will have to be booked. Please contact us as soon as possible to let us know.
Can I change the date of my repair?
Yes, you can change the date of your repair on the manage booking page.

Please note we require a minimum of 24 hours notice for any changes. Giving less than 24 hours notice will incur the $99 cancellation fee.
Can I manage my booking?
If you need to change your repair address or appointment date, add an IMEI/serial number for a device or cancel your booking, you can do that here. When prompted, enter your email address and order number, which can be found in your confirmation email.
Is it possible to select a specific time for my repair?
Unfortunately not. You’ll be allocated the earliest appointment available. The time will be confirmed to you via SMS and email at 6:00pm on the evening before your repair.
Can I book multiple repairs?
When you get to the repair select step in the booking process, simply tick all the repairs you require. If you want to book repairs for additional devices, click "Add another device" on the basket page.
I'm going to be late – will the technician wait?
Your Likewize engineer will wait for up to 15 minutes after which time the appointment will be cancelled and a $99 charge applied.
Who pays for parking if required?
Any parking charges will be paid for by Likewize.
What if parking is not available? Does the appointment get cancelled?
Parking is essential which is why we make this clear in all our correspondence. If we arrive and parking is not available, the appointment will unfortunately have to be cancelled and a $99 call-out fee applied.
Will the Likewize technician need to come into my home or workplace?
No. All work is carried out in the Likewize mobile manufacturer-approved, lab-tech workshops.
Where is the repair carried out?
All work is carried out in the Likewize mobile lab-tech workshops.
What do you mean by a one-hour window?
Likewize promises to arrive within sixty minutes of the allocated time.

You'll receive a weblink allowing you to track your technician's whereabouts, which should help you get on with your day.
How long does it take?
A standard smartphone screen repair takes under two hours.
When will you arrive?
The time will be confirmed via SMS and email at 6pm on the evening before your repair. You'll receive a weblink allowing you to track your technician's whereabouts, which should help you get on with your day.
Is there a charge if I book the wrong device or miss my appointment?
If you've booked the wrong device or are not available when the technician arrives to your appointment, your appointment will be cancelled and you will incur a $99 cancellation charge.

If you've booked the wrong device and/or colour: Contact us to arrange a new booking.

If you need to change your appointment date: You can manage your booking here.

Please note we require a minimum of 24 hours notice for any changes. Giving less than 24 hours notice will incur the $99 cancellation fee.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept all major debit and credit cards.
How much will my repair cost?
The cost of your repair will depend on your device and what repairs are required. To find out how much your repair will cost, enter your address on the homepage and follow the steps to select your device and all required repairs. You'll see the total cost on the basket page.
How do I claim under the guarantee?
Email your name, address and details of your device to LikewizeRepair@likewize.com and we'll get things sorted.
What does the guarantee cover?
It covers the specific fault that Likewize repaired.
How long is the Likewize guarantee?
All Likewize repairs are guaranteed for twelve months from the date they are undertaken. The guarantee is 100% hassle free.
Where does Likewize live?
The Likewize central office is in Dallas. The address is 1900 W Kirkwood Blvd, Suite 1600C, Southlake, TX 76092.
Is there a Likewize mobile workshop where I am?
There are Likewize mobile workshops all over Dallas. Use the address checker on the homepage to find out if there's one near you.

* Service available across Dallas subject to address.
Where can I find the Likewize privacy policy?
You'll find the Likewize privacy policy here.
Can I see the Likewize Terms & Conditions?
You'll find the Likewize Terms & Conditions here.

Still can’t find your answer?

Our customer service team will be happy to help.

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